Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week 7.4 Life-Cycle Model of Leadership

Chapter 7 Page 191 talks about Hersey & Blanchard's Life-Cycle Model of Leadership. They say that Leadership Style is the pattern of influence behaviors used, especially directive (task behavior) and supportive (relationship behavior).

The initial stages in learning involve more of the directive style and the directive behavior is gradually reduced as the person gains skill and confidence, and supportive behavior is increased to encourage the person. Supportive behavior is reduced as the person gains confidence to work their own. For someone at high maturity level they recommend delegating style.

I think the most difficult and important task for leaders in this approach is to understand in which stage the people he is leading are in. For example, a kid might know how to do their math homework and just need guidance when they ask questions, but parents might still try to sit with them and guide through each step as they did when the were learning the initial numbers. I think the challenge is to understand that which is difficult when you are not looking from outside.

1 comment:

Professor Cyborg said...

I took a class in leadership as an undergraduate and read about the Hersey and Blanchard model then. It's appealing in that leadership style is supposed to fit with the task and those being led. Still, it seems awfully simplistic as there are so many other variables involved. The approach also assumes a fairly homogeneous group of followers, which in today's workforce is highly unlikely. Still, the focus on adapting leadership style to the situation provides a more complex view than the trait approach to leadership.