Friday, October 24, 2008

Week 9-4 Change

Chapter 11 talks about Change and challenges that come with it. I think change is difficult for a lot of people to adjust to.
I do not like changes, if something is working good or some thing is in some place for a long time, I have great difficulty in changing them.
In organizations when changes are done people tend to compare them with the things or process they were used to before and normally feel the old one is better as they learned to use it or get accustomed.
In our company, a year back we changed all the phone infrastructure from traditional phone lines to VoIP phones. Before to change there were a lot of complaints about the existing system and people are not happy with it. But when the new system was introduced even small issues are considered serious and users would complain the previous one was better. But the reality is a lot of features they are complaining about were not even there in the old system. But as they get comfortable with it they will accept it. I think change needs time to be accepted and messages about change should come with very positive energy and enthusiasm so that people can feel that energy. If we can convince people that the change is for good I think it will be easier to gain acceptance.

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