Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week 7.5 The Human Touch

In Chapter 7 box 7.9 talks person-centered organizational principles:

1. Pay attention to "golden gripes". The things people complain about the most are the most important to them, and they often have great ideas about how to fix those problems.
2. Encourage open communication between associates at all levels of the organization.
3. Provide all associates with access to leadership.
4. Promote an honest, open, humane culture.
5. Support employees personal and family lives and needs.

Often in organizations, when people go and complain about somethings a lot of managers i knew would say they would look into it or something. They normally never used to ask for their suggestions on how to fix it.

In some organization, they have a open door policy where if the door to a manager or senior executive is open then people can go in and talk to them if they have something to discuss.

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