Saturday, September 20, 2008

Week 4.5 Emotions at Work Place

Chapter 3 talks about the Emotionality in Organizational Life. Developing a casual atmosphere at work I thinks helps in creating a better environment. We are by nature emotional beings and by thinking about ideas or proposals with some emotion might help us come to some decision easily. Also, when there dis-agreements if we can discuss and come to a common ground. If employees do not show some emotion, may be they might just agree to everything which might not be helpful.

As long as we can manage our emotions and do not let them get the better of us they can be really helpful.

1 comment:

charlemagne said...

I agree that we are emotional beings, and that much of what we do and think is impacted by emotional factors. And while I do not think that emotion should be the basis of decision-makign processes, ignoring its existence and importance is unwise. Emotions affect the way we treat other people and converse with them. Nonverbal channels are also prone to emotional effects. I mention nonverbal because that is one way that other people read our emotional state; if we are not honest about our emotions, people will still be able to see it.