Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Week 3.2 Communication & Information Overload

Chapter 12 talks about different types of media. While reading that, I started thinking about how many types of communication mediums I use everyday and its different types.

I normally use e-mail, internet, 3 different types of messengers, cell phone, desk phone, email on cell phone, internet on cell phone. Recently the new additions to this list is a soft phone on the computer that dials using the desk phone from my computer anywhere (VoIP). Companies introduce new things everyday using terms like Unified Communications etc.,. But its very difficult to get rid of the existing tools as people are used to them.

The definition of communication overload is different for different people. In my opinion the more different types of communication tools we use the more distractions there are at work. I know a lot of people would say we have to efficient in using them but individual efficiency in itself might not help most of the times.

These tools even effect our personal life's in a certain way. I do not think many people check their work e-mail at home if they have to log in to work and check if they are not expecting anything important. As we get email on blackberry's etc., we get addicted to using them just because we have them.

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