Friday, September 5, 2008

Week 2.2 Global & Local

This Section of the chapter talks about how growing number of global organizations are seeking to adapt their products and strategies to local markets. The term "glocal" comes from blending the terms "global" and "local".
It is very interesting to note things like how in US we associate McDonald's and Big mac, but in India most of the McDonald's does not even serve Big Mac, as Cows are considered sacred in India. This shows how organizations are adapting today globally to make them receptive in the local cultures.
Also companies should be very careful in how they communicate in different cultures. We should never assume what works or considered correct in one culture works in others. There are multiple examples for big blunders like this. One classic example is the slogan used by Vacuum cleaner company Electrolux in UK "Nothing Sucks like Electrolux". But sucks has a completely different usage in US and it was a big blunder.
Global Companies should do their research about local cultures before making any decisions, planning mass communications, launching new campaigns etc., as taking incorrect decisions there might create irreparable damage.

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