Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week 4.2 Organizational Structures

Page 34 and 35 in Chapter 2 talk about Alternative Organizational Structures.

While reading it i was trying to find out into what system the organization or group i am working in will fit into. Below are some of the features my group has (I work in an IT organization)
- a high level of education and training for most organizational tasks.
- there are fixed positions for individuals
- there is a high degree of interdependence
- there is some regard to seniority
- innovation as priority
- All the members in the group have a set of tasks they all do. (First Level Support)
- Then we breakdown into specialized teams under a manager specializing and responsible for one or two areas.
- there are projects all teams work together

I am not quite sure of this fits into one specific type of structure. This is more of a hybrid of different forms of organization.

Any thoughts?

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