Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Week 11.1 Importance of Communication in Global Projects

During last two years i did some reading on this topic and collected some notes. Wanted to share some of it. The first topic is about Establishing Credibility.

Communication is very important for implementation and success of projects involving global virtual teams. Effective communications are important for establishing credibility, knowing and understanding the global team members.

Establishing Credibility

Ernest Gundling states that “Experienced managers tend to take their own credibility for granted. They have long since learned how to establish their credentials with ease when meeting new business contacts. Under normal circumstances they can accomplish this quickly before proceeding with the business at hand. In cross-border setting, however, the code for establishing one’s value in the eyes of new colleagues and customers may differ from what one is accustomed to, and even this seemingly rudimentary step in creating business relationship can become a significant stumbling block”

Establishing credibility with others is crucial if one is going to be effective in any culture. The manner in which credibility is established can vary from culture to culture. In general, it is useful to keep the following points in mind:

Proper Introductions
In some cultures, it is perfectly acceptable to introduce yourself. In other cultures (Eg., India), a person in the proper position of authority should introduce you and explain the context within which everyone will work together.

Transmitting qualifications
In cultures like India, individuals feel that is appropriate and necessary to talk about one’s own accomplishments. For people in other cultures, this would be interpreted as arrogant. In those cultures it is better to transmit qualifications indirectly, through third parties. Even in a job interview, some people will feel reluctant to talk about their own skills, strengths and accomplishments.

Level of formality and Protocol
Some cultures appreciate formality and protocol more than others. It is always wise to find out before hand the level of formality expected and the appropriate protocol for different situations. If unknown, it is best to err on the side of the forma, and observe and follow protocol.

Listening well
Listening well is very important to understand local situation. In some cultures, quick action is valued. However, in other cultures, people who come into a situation and make quick changes are sometimes viewed as shortsighted or arrogant, and are not likely to gain cooperation.

Demonstrating Interest
Most people like having their culture appreciated. Showing an interest in learning about local customs, history, and current events and making an effort to learn the language - at least the greetings and phrases for showing courtesy will help gain respect.

For some people, credibility is established in the first stages of a task. For other people, trust and credibility are developed overtime, through interactions that begin to feel more and more comfortable. This is a process that cannot be hurried.

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